Calculators for the Sharpener

Web-based Calculators
Computer-based &
Tablet-based Calculators
  • KnifeGrinders - Designed to work with the Front Vertical Base they sell. Unfortunately, with the far too early loss of Dr. Vadim Kraichuk, I do not think this is available any more.

  • TormekCalc2 - JVH (from the Tormek forum) created this tool which is an Excel spreadsheet that offers exact calculations and many advanced functions related to knife or tool grinding.

  • Polishing Angle Calc - This is a supplement to TormekCalc2 that was published by Gilles on the Tormek forum.
Other Web-Based Calculators

About this site
Remember : The goal of sharpening is to produce sharp tools, and these tools can injure you if mishandled. Safety measures should be followed to protect yourself and those in your shop. Be sure to read and follow all instructions from the manufacturer, and and utilize proper safety equipment. Never consume alcohol or anything that could impair your judgement before sharpening tools, or using sharp tools. Comments can be sent via eMail to me at