Web-based Calculators
Computer-based & Tablet-based Calculators
- KnifeGrinders - Designed to work with the Front Vertical Base they sell. Unfortunately, with the far too early loss of Dr. Vadim Kraichuk, I do not think this is available any more.
- TormekCalc2 - JVH (from the Tormek forum) created this tool which is an Excel spreadsheet that offers exact calculations and many advanced functions related to knife or tool grinding.
- Polishing Angle Calc - This is a supplement to TormekCalc2 that was published by Gilles on the Tormek forum.
Other Web-Based Calculators
- Turning Formulas Calculator - use to convert RPM to SFM, IPR, etc. (and vice versa)
- Machinist's Calculators - use for the lathe, drill, and milling machine. I have found three variations, so you can use the one you prefer :
- Calculator Edge - Calculators for about everything
- Engineers' Edge has some useful tables and calculators. A few are listed below