Books, Videos, & Web Sites  

Title Type Author Comments
Accu-Finish Sharpening Video Aaron McMichael Aaron McMichael demonstrates how to use the Accu-Finish machine to achieve precise and polished cutting edges on a variety of cutting tools. Presented during Pecha Kucha sessions at the 2018 Ornamental Turners International biennial symposium in Seattle, WA.
The Complete Guide to Sharpening (1996) Book
Leonard Lee This is the bible for sharpening woodworking and general tools. Very good reference about how to sharpen a boat load of tools.
Drill Bit Geometry PDF Document Joseph Mazoff This document really outlines how drill bits work and the various parts of the geometry of a drill bit work for cutting.
Design and Use of Cutting Tools (1952) Book Leo J. St. Clair This is the definitive source for sharpening metal lathe tools, especially carbide ones. St. Clair was working in the industry as it was changing from HSS to carbide, so both are covered well. His experimental data helps validate or disprove many theories.

Unfortunately, this book is very hard to find. I recommend the sharpener borrow it from their local library via an inter-library loan for reading. Universities which teach mechanical engineering usually have a copy, and it is easiest to read that way. (The publisher has no more copies : I asked.)

Experiments on Knife Sharpening (2004) PDF Document John D. Verhoeven This document shows very closeup (10 micron wide) views of sharpened blades (starting with razor blades). He also shows how differing techniques affect blades as shown in his pictures.
Fine Tune a Back Iron Video Christopher Schwarz Nicely done document on back irons for planes.
Fundamentals of Sharpening Video American Association of Woodturners AAW Skill Building Series, this 90 minute DVD features some of the best talent in woodturning today:
Grinding Angle Adjustment for the Tormek (2014) PDF Document Ton Nillesen This guide is very useful on the Tormek for setting very precise angles on knife blades, and adjusting as the grinding wheel depletes over time.
Grinding of Tool Steel PDF Document Böhler Uddeholm This guide is good guide for grinding wheels and their use for tool steel grinding.
A Guide to Honing and Sharpening Web Site Museum of Woodworking Tools The approach given here is by Maurice Fraser, and deals with the sharpening of tools using flat stones, not any powered methods.
How to Sharpen Every Blade in Your Workshop (1994) Book Don Geary Good book, especially showing jigs you can make yourself to guide the sharpening process.
Influence of the Cap-iron on Hand Plane Video Prof. Yasunori Kawai
Prof. Chutaro Kato
Educational Video from the faculty of Education, Art and Science, at the Yamagata University. Really shows the effect of cap iron angles.
Japanese Woodworking Tools : Their Tradition, Spirit, and Use (1998) Book Toshio Odate Great reference about Japanese carpentry tools. Toshio includes a number of tools, taking out the confusion we Westerners often have.
John Lucas Sharpening Video American Association of Woodturners John Lucas shows how he sharpens gouges.
Keeping the Cutting Edge: Setting and Sharpening Hand and Power Saw (2006) Book Harold H. Payson Good book as the author learned from his father who sharpened saws for others.
Knife Deburring: Science behind the lasting razor edge Book Dr. Vadim Kraichuk Dr. Kraichuk's book is based on the sharpening method developed by his company. And unlike other sharpeners, Dr. Kraichuk has researched the results from using this method, and has proof that it works. His company's work, sharpening the knives of butchers, has repeatedly shown that his method is sound.

If you are wanting to get your tools really sharp, you should read this book and make it a part of your library.

Knife Maintenance and Sharpening Web Forum (Single Topic) Society for Culinary Arts and Letters Nice overview of knife sharpening. Web Link Sabin Mathew was founded in 2012 by Sabin Mathew, a post graduate student at Indian Institutes of Technology in Delhi. This is a great web site to begin your understanding of the geometry of metal lathe cutting tools. They have nice videos showing what is meant by things like rake and relief angles.
Maintenance and Care of Hand Tools (1945 Edition) Book (PDF) U.S. War Department
U.S. Dept. of Defense
Chief Warrant Officer (ret) Rick Laws sent this to me. His email noted that he "... used this manual for soldier training and information. It is a little dated, but so are most tools used by most people." He is right: I have tools I've inherited from both my grandfathers.

After World War II, this became also known by these designations:

  • Air Force TO 32-1-101
  • Army TM 9-243
  • Navy M6290-AJ-MAN-1010
  • Marine Corps TM 10209-10/1
(No Space Force designation is known at this time ...)
Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools (2004 Edition)
Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools (2020 Edition)
The Perfect Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Sharpening for Wood Workers (2009) Book Ron Hock Hock blades are considered superior. This book is in the same category of greatness.
The Razor Edge Book of Sharpening Book (PDF) John Juranitch From's description: Universally recognized as "The Bible of The Cutting Edge", this book belongs in the library of anyone who is serious about sharpening. Written by Guinness world record holder John Juranitch, it contains all the knowledge and insights gained during his more than 40 years in the sharpening industry. The 145 page book is crammed with photos, illustrations and cutting edge secrets you won't find anywhere else. Its 14 chapters cover topics like how to choose a knife, sharpening theories and applications, steeling, using a hone and much, much more. You'll get answers to the most asked questions. You'll learn the truth about common myths like why you should never use oil on a hone. And you'll get the insights necessary to put a great edge on knives, axes, fish hooks, arrowheads, chain saws and other tools. It's a history, a handbook, a reference manual that is the simplest, most complete way to give yourself a razor edge on sharpening.
Rethinking Sharpening Magazine Article (PDF) Terry Martin

American Association of Woodturners' “American Woodturner”, June 2014
Terry discusses the value of using a wet turner for sharpening.
Science of Sharp Web Link   This site focuses on the science behind sharpening, and is primarily focused on knives (particularly, straight razors). The site's focus is on usage of electron microscopy (EM) to physically observe the geometry and polish of the edge, and to quantify the edge width and bevel angle. The goal is to provide an understanding of what is happening a the blade's edge.

The EM scans and experimental data helps validate or disprove many theories.

Set & File: A Practical Guide to Saw Sharpening (2024) Book Matt Cianci (AKA, the Saw Wright)

Matt addresses the fundamentals of maintaining backsaws and handsaws: how to file and joint your saws with the correct rake, fleam and pitch to keep them sharp for cutting. He also addresses how to deal with saw teeth which are in good shape but dull, and how to successfully fix teeth which have been abused.

This is the recommended go-to book for sharpening hand saws.

Sharpen This (2022) Book Christopher Schwarz This is unique as it was written by a woodworker from the reference of his own sharpening.
Sharpening Made Easy: A Primer on Sharpening Knives and Other Edged Tools (2010) Book Steve Bottorff Steve has gathered from many years of expert sharpening experience. This site contains information that could be useful, including instructional videos and manuals. Steve is a practitioner who has written a very practical guide.
Sharpening Made Easy Web Link
Sharpening Techniques for Better Woodworking (The Workshop Companion) (1994) Book Nick Engler Good book, especially showing jigs you can make yourself to guide the sharpening process.
Taunton's Complete Illustrated Guide to Sharpening (2004) Book Thomas Lie-Nielsen Good book, especially showing jigs you can make yourself to guide the sharpening process. Probably the best for showing these jigs.
Tormek Handbook Web Link Tormek If you have a Tormek, you will reference this fairly often.
Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. 2 - Construction, Action, and Application of Cutting Tools (1846) Book / eBook Charles Holtzapffel
Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. 3 - Abrasive and Other Processes not Accomplished with Cutting Tools (1850) Book / eBook Charles Holtzapffel Great historical knowledge, especially about honing and sharpening abrasives.
Woodturning Notes PDF Document Alan Batty Mr. Batty was a very accomplished turner, and excellent teacher (his son, Stuart Batty has taken on this legacy).

Tormek Sharpening Classes - Excellent videos to get the basics, and some useful tips for even the most experienced sharpener.
Title Comments
Tormek Sharpening Innovation Tormek's YouTube channel.
Tormek Sharpening Machines Throughout History

In this special episode of Tormek Live we look back, all the way to the start in 1973. We will take a look on all of our "large" sharpening machines throughout history! From one of the first prototypes, through the first real sharpening machine Tormek ST-250 from 1973, to where we are today with the Tormek T-8. We will also talk about our compact machines, starting with the Tormek S-1204 from 1992 to the Tormek T-4 of today, along with our kitchen knife sharpening machines

Furthermore, we will go over some old marketing material, old jigs and packaging boxes and milestones in the Tormek history. In other words, this is a real smorgasbord for all Tormek enthusiasts out there!

Part 1 - Knife sharpening Wolfgang and Sèbastian from Tormek talk about different techniques for knife sharpening.
Part 2 - Axes & scissors sharpening Wolfgang and Sèbastian from Tormek talk about sharpening of axes and scissors.
Part 3 - Chisels, plane irons & Tormek grinding wheels Sèbastian and Wolfgang show the sharpening of chisels and plane irons. They also go through Tormek's different grinding wheels; SG-250 Original Grindstone, SB-250 Blackstone Silicion, SJ-250 Japanese Waterstone and Tormek's three Diamond Wheels DC-250, DF-250 and DE-250. They give you their recommendations for usage and tools.
Part 4 - Carving Knife & Carving Tools Wolfgang and Sèbastian from Tormek go through the sharpening of carving knives and various carving tools such as v-tools, carving gouges and short wood chisels.

Sharpen knives and hatchets for hunting & outdoor | Tormek T-4 Bushcraft

For everyone who hunts, fish or just spend time outdoors, it's vital to have sharp tools. A sharp knife or axe is easier to use, more fun to work with, and reduces the risk of injuries. In this sharpening class we show you how to sharpen a wide variety of outdoor and hunting knives, such as the skinner's knife, the hook knife and the pocket knife. We also show the sharpening of a small hatchet.
Part 5 - Woodturning Tools Want to learn how you get your woodturning tools razor-sharp? In this week's sharpening class we take a closer look at the tools for the woodturner; Gouges, skews, parting tools, scrapers, cutters and more. Sèbastian and Wolfgang will show you the methods for sharpening all these turning tools and how you achieve repeatable edges every time. Stay tuned and hit us with your questions during the stream!
Part 6 - Drill bit sharpening It's time for drill bit sharpening! Learn how to sharpen your drill bits with maximum precision, to the greatest sharpness. We will show you how to create a 4-facet point which gives the ideal cutting performance.
Part 7 - Planer blade sharpening & TT-50 Truing Tool We're back again with a new episode of Tormek's Live Sharpening Class. This time we will guide you on how to sharpen HSS planer blades and also show you how to use the TT-50 Truing Tool to make your stone flat again. Like always, we will answer all your questions on this topic during the stream. Stay tuned!
Part 8 - Tips and tricks for Tormek's water cooled sharpening system In this jam-packed episode, we share our (not so secret 🤫) secrets for you to get the most out of your Tormek sharpening machine. We will go through tips and tricks that make your sharpening both easier and better! Do you have any secret tricks up your sleeve that we missed? Write them in the live chat or the comments below and we will all share our knowledge!
Part 9 - Sharpen a flat bevel with Tormek MB-100 on a diamond wheel In this episode we learn how to use the Tormek MB-100 Multi Base to sharpen a completely flat bevel ▼, on the side of Tormek's diamond wheels DC-250, DF-250 and DE-250. For some tools, such as 🎻 luthier knives,🔪 Kiridashi knives, v-tools, chip carving knives and Japanese plane irons, a completely flat surface on the bevel is preferred over a slightly concave, which you get when you sharpen on the rounded part of the grinding wheel. For some people this is more of a personal preference.

Regardless of what might be the reason to want a flat bevel, Sèbastian and Wolfgang show how to achieve it with your Tormek wet sharpening system, They will also touch upon the differences between the different types of bevels



Flat V

Part 10 - Advanced knife sharpening Do you want to take your knife sharpening to the next level? Then this advanced knife sharpening class is for you. In this episode, we will discuss the many aspects of knife sharpening that are often discussed and debated in sharpening forums, among crafts people and professional sharpeners worldwide. We will go in depth on the complexity of the exact edge angle, how to sharpen certain kinds of knifes with different shapes and material, the importance and function of honing and some basic knife care, among other things.

This class might be a bit too in depth and nerdy if you are interested in just getting a sharp knife.

Part 11 - SVP-80 Moulding Knife Attachment In this episode you will learn how to sharpen moulding knives with the Tormek SVP-80 Moulding Knife Attachment. When moulding your lumber, it is important that the profile cutter is sharp to avoid getting a rough or uneven finish from the milling. Sharpening your moulding knives is quick and easy on your Tormek T-8, T-4 and older models, with the SVP-80 Moulding Knife Attachment. You can also sharpen profiled paint scrapers. Perfect whether you are a carpenter, cabinet maker or a DIYer!
Part 12 - Diamond grinding wheels for Tormek T-4 In this episode of the Tormek Live Sharpening Classes we tell you about the latest news in the Tormek water cooled sharpening system. That is diamond grinding wheels for Tormek T-4 Original, Tormek T-4 Bushcraft, Tormek T-3 and older models with a 200 mm diameter grinding wheel.

We will discuss the advantages of the diamond grinding wheels and how you can use them to achieve razor sharpness on the hardest of steels. One advantage is that you never have to true the grinding wheel since it holds its shape. That also allows for sharpening on the outside of the grinding wheel to achieve a completely flat bevel on your tools.

Part 13 - Tormek Storage Solutions In this episode of the Tormek Live Sharpening Classes we take a closer look at Tormek's different storage solutions!
Part 14 - The Basics of Honing In this episode we go through the basics of one of the most important parts of the sharpening process - honing. Honing your edge after sharpening will deburr your edge, which is crucial to get it sharp and durable. In addition, it polishes the edge to give cleaner cuts.

But honing is also a means of maintenance for your edge between sharpenings. Many times, a couple of strokes on the honing wheel is all you need to get that razor sharpness back again. That will save both time and steel!

Key Note: At just past 18 minutes in the video, there are great microscopic pictures showing the effect of different grindstones on the ground surfaces. This is a great comparison of the various Tormek grindstones, but also about typical bench stones and CBN wheels also.

Part 15 - Repair a damaged knife Wolfgang and Sèbastian from Tormek show you how you can repair damaged knife on your Tormek sharpening system If your knife has a chipped edge, a broken tip, or if it has started rusting, you can often repair the knife and make it as good as new.
Part 16 - Demonstrating Tormek's Centering Knife Jigs KJ-45 & KJ-140 In this Tormek Sharpening Class episode Wolfgang and Sèbastian from Tormek review the KJ-45 Centering Knife Jig and KJ-140 Wide Centering Knife Jig.

Both new knife jigs work with Tormek T-4 and Tormek T-8, as well as older models with a Universal Support.

Gardening tools The summer is finally here (at least in Sweden)! Wolfgang and Sèbastian from Tormek did a special episode of their sharpening class, focusing on the gardening tools. Learn how to sharpen secateurs, lawn mower blades, a scythe, hedge shears and other tools that you use in the garden!
Tips with the Tormek Stig In this special live episode, we get to meet a man of many names; The Stig, Steve or simply Stig (which is his actual name). Stig is responsible for Tormek Inc. (USA) and is visiting Sweden. We thought we'd take the opportunity and do a live special where Stig, one of our most experienced sharpening pros, gets to give his two cents on sharpening and on the Tormek Sharpening System.

He talks about his best friend, the HB-10 Tormek Handbook, gives out his best general Tormek tips and reveal his favorite jig! And of course, he answers any and all of your questions. In short, you don't want to miss this!

Q&A With the Sharpening Doctor In this episode we only have your questions on the agenda! We asked our social media community what you’d want to ask the Sharpening Doctor Wolfgang and got a huge variety of questions. Wolfgang answers them along with any questions that comes in during the livestream.

Some of the questions posed that the Sharpening Doctor answers:

  • How do you know what is the correct angle to sharpen a knife?
  • Why is the leather honing wheel smaller than the grinding wheel?
  • How much pressure should I use when adjusting the grit with the SP-650 Stone Grader on the Original Grindstone?.v
  • What is the life span of a diamond grinding wheel?
  • How do you sharpen an S-shaped knife, such as a recurved knife?
  • Can I sharpen and polish pieces of glass on my Tormek?
Part 17 - Sharpen Recurved Blades By popular demand Sébastien and Wolfgang will show you how to master the techniques of sharpening recurved blades on your Tormek sharpening system. They’ll also talk about different tips and tricks to sharpen other curved blades such as gut openers, tourné knives and even scythes.
Part 18 - Sharpen rare and specialized tools

In this episode we'll show you how to sharpen certain specialized tools. Since these tools are a bit more uncommonly sharpened there's not that much information available. We'll try our best to remedy that!

Learn how to sharpen tools for leather craft, knives for a meat grinder, marking knives and other, a bit odd tools.

Part 19 - Sharpening pressure In this sharpening class we will discuss pressure. More precisely, we'll learn how to use pressure for different applications when sharpening and honing different tools and how to work with pressure on different grinding wheels. We'll answer questions such as;
  • How much pressure should I use when sharpening?
  • How much pressure should I use when honing?
  • How much pressure can a Tormek machine tolerate?
  • Will the amount of pressure affect how fast the sharpening goes?
  • How much pressure should I use on diamond grinding wheels?
  • How much pressure should I use on grindstones?
Part 20 - MB-102 Multi Base - Enhanced Knife Sharpening & Flat Bevels

In this episode of the Tormek sharpening class, we learn how to use the MB-102 Multi Base. We go over how to sharpen a perfectly flat bevel on your tool by grinding on the flat side of a diamond grinding wheel. In addition, we will learn how to convert the horizontal mounts to vertical, giving you better access to sharpening knives in the same direction of rotation as the grinding wheel (edge trailing) and controlled honing of knives with your knife jig.

Sharpening knives edge trailing may be preferable if you sharpen on a softer Japanese water stone, or if you sharpen spoon knives, for example.

Part 21 - Maintenance of Your Tormek Water-Cooled Sharpening Machine

In this episode of the Tormek Sharpening classes we show you how to maintain your Tormek water-cooled sharpening machine. Tormek machines are known for their longevity, and are often inherited over generations. We strive for an exceptional build quality and backwards compatability, so that you will only have to invest in a Tormek once in a lifetime. In general, a Tormek machine is very low maintanance, but in this episode we go through a couple of things you can do to keep your Tormek in top trim for decades.

We show you:

  • How to clean your Tormek machine,
  • How to get the friction back on the rubber drive wheel,
  • How to maintain your leather honing wheel,
  • How to maintain your grinding wheels,
  • How to get your old grindstone unstuck,
  • And more.
Part 22 - Which Tormek Sharpening Machine Should I Get? In this episode of the Tormek sharpening classes we are doing the ultimate Tormek sharpening machine buyer's guide, to help you understand which Tormek machine you should purchase based on your profile and needs. We present all our machines and their functions, to make it easy for you to to understand which Tormek sharpening machine best suits you.
Part 23 - Reshaping woodturning tools on a bench grinder In this episode of the Tormek sharpening classes we explain how you can quickly and with full control, re-profile your turning tools on your bench grinder. The BGM-100 Bench Grinder Mounting Kit allows you to use the same jig settings as on your water-cooled Tormek sharpening system. It is therefore easy to do the rough shaping on the bench grinder and then continue to sharpen and maintain the edge of your Tormek machine.
Part 24. KS-123 Knife Angle Setter In this episode of the Tormek sharpening classes we demonstrate the KS-123 Knife Angle Setter. We show you how to use it to get the exact edge angle when sharpening any type of knife. We go through its features, such as the self adjustment for the diameter of the grinding wheel, and explain them in depth. Finding the sharpening angle for a knife has never been easier!

Tormek's Sharpening Techniques for Woodturners - with Nick Agar

In this series of 8 episodes, Nick Agar, professional woodturner, will show you the special sharpening techniques for all the common woodturning tools. This includes what jigs you should use, how to create different shapes, best practice on sharpening, what grinding wheels you should have as a woodturner, tips, tricks and much more.

Title Comments
Tormek Sharpening Innovation Tormek's YouTube channel.
1. Sharpening Techniques for Woodturners - with Nick Agar - Introduction In the first episode Nick will give you an introduction to Tormek's sharpening system and what jigs you're using when you sharpen woodturning tools. He also goes through how to make the stone flat with the TT-50 Truing Tool, a smart tip when using the SP-650 Stone Grader and finally the perfect grinding wheels for the woodturner.
2. How to sharpen bowl and spindle gouges - Tormek SVD-186 Gouge Jig - with Nick Agar In this episode Nick Agar shows how you create a fingernail grind on your woodturning gouge and to replicate this grind every time. Nick goes through the procedure step by step using Tormek's TTS-100 Turning Tool Setter, the SVD-186 Gouge Jig, the SB-250 Blackstone Silicon and the LA-120 Profiled Leather Honing Wheel.
3. How to sharpen roughing gouges, skews & parting tools - Tormek SVS-50 Multi Jig - with Nick Agar In this third episode, Nick Agar shows how to sharpen a roughing gouge with a few simple steps using the open seat of Tormek's Multi Jig SVS-50. Further, he shows how to sharpen a parting tool and a skew using the closed seat of the SVS-50. Nick also demonstrates how to use the Tormek Marker Method when setting the angle and how to sharpen a custom skew shape on the side of Tormek's Diamond Wheel using MB-100 Multi Base.
4. How to sharpen scrapers and cutters - Tormek SVD-110 Tool Rest - with Nick Agar In this episode, Nick Agar shows how to sharpen a woodturning scraper creating a large burr and a small burr depending on the material you're working in. He uses the Tormek SVD-110 Tool Rest and the DF-250 Diamond Wheel Fine. In addition, Nick demonstrates how to sharpen small hollowing cutters and ordinary cutters using SVD-110 and SVD-186.
5. How to sharpen on the side of the Diamond Wheels - Tormek MB-100 Multi Base - with Nick Agar Nick Agar, will in this episode show you how to sharpen a custom skew on the side of Tormek's Diamond Wheel create a completely flat bevel. He is using the SVS-50 Multi Jig and sharpens on the DF-250 Diamond Wheel Fine with the MB-100 Multibase.
6. Tormek's Grinding Wheels for the Woodturner - with Nick Agar Nick Agar, professional woodturner, goes through the different grinding wheels available for the woodturner and what advantages they have. He's showing the Tormek Grinding Wheels; SG-250 Original Grindstone, SB-250 Blackstone Silicon, DC-250 Diamond Wheel Coarse, DF-250 Diamond Wheel Fine and DE-250 Diamond Wheel Extra Fine.
7. Tips & Tricks - Sharpening Techniques for Woodturners - with Nick Agar Nick Agar, professional woodturner, gives you his best tips and tricks when sharpening woodturning tools with Tormek's sharpening system. Amongst the tips are how you find the correct bevel angle on your tool, how to make the edges of the grindstone smother, how to remove steel particles from the Leather Honing Wheel and how to clean the rubber drive wheel.
Woodturning from Inside of the Bowl - Unique Shot Never Seen Before - with Nick Agar Together with professional woodturner, Nick Agar, we can now show you how it looks from inside of the bowl when woodturning. This angle has, as far as we know, never been filmed before. Enjoy!

About this site
Remember : The goal of sharpening is to produce sharp tools, and these tools can injure you if mishandled. Safety measures should be followed to protect yourself and those in your shop. Be sure to read and follow all instructions from the manufacturer, and and utilize proper safety equipment. Never consume alcohol or anything that could impair your judgement before sharpening tools, or using sharp tools. Comments can be sent via eMail to me at