Diamond Parting Tool  

Guidelines shown below are for use with the Tormek SVS-50 Multi Jig. For the Diamond Parting Tool, the Open Seat is used.

Hand-craft signifies cunning, or sleight, or craft of the hand, which cannot be taught by words, but is only gained by practice and exercise.

Joseph Moxon

General Guidelines
β JS P TTS-100 Hole Comments Tormek Jig
65° n/a 60 mm B

β can range from 50° - 85°.

It is recommended to not move side-to-side with the tool's edge engaged with the grinding surface, especially when using the SVS-50. Instead, move to a position, ensure the SVS-50 is engaged fully with the USB, and then raise the handle to engage the tool with the grinding surface.

If you want to move use a different part of the grinding surface, lower the handle first, and then repeat the above-listed instructions.

Open Seat

Notes & Comments

Information regarding Grindstones

Edge Profile Comments
This is the shape for the tool when shipped by most manufacturers. The edges may be flat instead of slightly concaved (shown exaggerated here).
This shape has a convex edge on the bottom edge.

Advantage Disadvantage
  • The added metal below the center line provides better support for the cutting edge, reducing vibration at the tip.
  • This shape does not burnish the wood as quickly as the traditional shape.
  • The tool is kept sharp longer.
  • This shape will not be as sharp (as the β will be larger).
  • This tool shape cannot be flipped to allow the turner to use the the other side. This is useful when wood builds up on the edge's surface (as it does with oily woods like padauk).
  • It also does not allow for usage in as close a quarter (i.e., when using the tool like a bedan to cut at a rotated angle).

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Tormek is a copyrighted logo of Tormek AB. Its presentation on this site is used to help the user quickly understand when specific Tormek tools, jigs, or setting are being used. For specific information regarding Tormek AB, or its products, please refer to the www.Tormek.com.

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Remember : The goal of sharpening is to produce sharp tools, and these tools can injure you if mishandled. Safety measures should be followed to protect yourself and those in your shop. Be sure to read and follow all instructions from the manufacturer, and and utilize proper safety equipment. Never consume alcohol or anything that could impair your judgement before sharpening tools, or using sharp tools. Comments can be sent via eMail to me at SharpeningHandbook@Gmail.com.