Strawberry Pruner  

A Strawberry pruner is used to easily remove the strawberry plant's runners. As L.H. Bailey noted, it (cuts) “the runners from strawberry plants, one thrust of the implement leaving the hill in proper size and shape.

I recommend sharpening the outside perimeter of the cutting edge (the red part in the picture to the right). This is much easier and safer than trying to sharpen the inside edge.

A 6" smooth cut machinist’s hand file is useful to carry in your gardening tools box. Use it to resharpen the strawberry pruner as needed throughout the gardening activity.



The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses.

Hanna Rion

General Guidelines
α Notes
35° - 45°

Most gardeners will not plant strawberries in rocky soil, so a sharper angle (towards 35°) will make this easier to use. Any angle in the recommended range will make the tool easier to use than the 90° which tools are usually shipped with.

Notes & Comments

This tool is one I first encountered in The Pruning Book by Lee Rich. Lee merely noted that it was better explained in The Pruning Manual by L.H. Bailey. (Both books are noted below in the More Information section.)

Shaping the edge

These tools will certainly be old. The metal in the cutting edge will probably be high carbon steel, so be very careful if using any grinder for changing the shape of the edge. If it gets too hot, the temper of the metal can be easily lost.

Sharpening the edge

Use a machinist’s hand file.

  1. Start with a 12-14" bastard file (as necessary).
  2. Next, continue with a 8-10" medium (or second) cut file.
  3. Finish with a 6" smooth cut file, then use this file to remove the burr.

Ongoing Maintenance

Be sure to remove all caked-on dirt. If left in place, this will encourage rust, even on stainless steel, and especially on the unpainted steel surfaces. A wire brush or putty knife can be useful for this. A well-kept tool will last your lifetime, and will still be usable by your children (and maybe your grandkids).

Camellia Oil Spray Bottle

Sap can be removed using a solvent. Acetone works well, but be sure to wear protective clothing as this is not kind to your body, and be sure the area is well ventilated.

After using any solvent, be sure to apply a thin coat of camellia oil to the tool. Some advocate using boiled linseed oil (BLO), but BLO often has heavy metals or other bad chemicals added for drying agents, and these are not good for you to handle, nor would they be good for the plants on which you'll use this tool.

Exposure to Diseased Plants or Soil

If the tool was exposed to any diseased plants or soil which is infected with pests, give it a quick wash with alcohol. Be sure to rinse with water and then dry afterwards. Finally, apply a thin coat of camellia oil.

The recommendation by some for using bleach or trisodium phosphate is not followed here. Those products can damage the metal in the tool.

Tools in Storage

Strawberry pruners often get stored for a while after sharpening, so it is recommended to oil the sharpened surface with camellia oil. (Indeed, all unpainted surfaces would benefit from this.)

I like the spray bottle of camellia oil sold by Tools for Working Wood.

Another option is petroleum jelly.

More Information

Fig. 220. Strawberry Pruner

Books & Papers

About this site
Remember : The goal of sharpening is to produce sharp tools, and these tools can injure you if mishandled. Safety measures should be followed to protect yourself and those in your shop. Be sure to read and follow all instructions from the manufacturer, and and utilize proper safety equipment. Never consume alcohol or anything that could impair your judgement before sharpening tools, or using sharp tools. Comments can be sent via eMail to me at