Spade Drill Bit  

The absolute best source for sharpening this tool is Leonard Lee's book, The Complete Guide to Sharpening, Chapter 15. (This is a must-have for any sharpener's library.)

Ensure both shoulders are the same height. A jig is highly recommended (a good example is shown on Nick Engler's web site, including instructions for making one).

DO NOT change the center point of the drill bit, or the diameter of the drill bit. And, grind the minimum off the bit.


Removing wood doesn't show your skill, adding wood does.


General Guidelines
Point Angle Rake Angle Notes
40° 0° - 10°  

Notes & Comments

Information regarding Grindstones

Probably best to stay with the drill bit's geometry as supplied by the manufacturer.

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Remember : The goal of sharpening is to produce sharp tools, and these tools can injure you if mishandled. Safety measures should be followed to protect yourself and those in your shop. Be sure to read and follow all instructions from the manufacturer, and and utilize proper safety equipment. Never consume alcohol or anything that could impair your judgement before sharpening tools, or using sharp tools. Comments can be sent via eMail to me at